Wednesday, December 3, 2008

iphone + mac = happiness

We are a MAC family. Of course we would be, as D is a Designer, and we all know that no other computer company compares to the Mac's designing prowess. While backpacking through Peru this summer, all D could talk about was the new iphone 3G, and how he would give anything [like missing Machu Picchu] if he could go home and stand in line for the new phone. So... of course when we returned his wish was granted (because I couldn't stand one more minute of him talking about it.) He currently has 6 pages of applications on his phone (compared to my measly 2) and sometimes I question how much he loves me compared to the iphone.

I am not over-exaggerating at all about this either. D would be apart of this Flikr group if he ever got into tattoos.
He wants me to make these pies for Thanksgiving.
He checks [the unofficial apple website] at least 6 times a day, and over 50 times if Steve Jobs is doing any sort of announcement.

This image is from tuaw - an iPhone made out of 10,000 applications available for the phone. Incredible. More and more are being added each day too... so yeah, Apple pretty much rocks. And D is pretty much obsessed.

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